Saturday, February 25, 2012

Mark 1:9-15

by Amy Whiting

Do you know these phrases?

“To boldly go where no man has gone before”

“Mama is like a box of chocolates...”

“Go ahead, make my day”

“Show me the money...”

These are all famous phrases from movies that have become part of our everyday language that when used have the echoes of something deeper, something shared, something understood. When my three year old son defies me and won’t put his seatbelt on...and I say “You've got to ask yourself one question: 'Do I feel lucky?' Well, do ya, punk”...we all know who is going to win this standoff!

It’s that kind of echo that was going on in this passage for the original readers - “You are my son. You are the one I love. You make me very glad.” (Psalm 2, Isaiah 40-55) 40 days in the wilderness. (Exodus journey, Exodus 15:18) “The time is fulfilled. God’s kingdom is arriving.” (Isaiah 40:9 & 52:7)

These words, grouped together evoked for the original reader the promise of God and the story of God – the long awaited arrival of the true King, the one who would put things to right...and what could not be missed was this: God was saying – my Son is the King, He is setting up His kingdom now...the appropriate action then (and now) is to...

“Turn back, and believe the good news!”Let God be God and establish His rule in our lives and through our lives.The question is: do we hear the call & are we responding?

Prayer for Today:

“Lord Jesus Son of the living God, help us to believe that you are the world’s true king, and to turn back from all that gets in the way of your rule in our lives.”

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